Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 20, 2014

Hello Everyone, So we have arrived at the end of the season. I know that it’s a sad moment for many of you, but as you can imagine I and my crew are happy that the end is in sight. My workers are anxious to return to their families and their tropical climate. I am looking forward to a rest and a respite from the worry and stress that seems to be an inevitable part of my occupation. The situation has been exacerbated by the early arrival of frigid weather. We will be working hard through the chilly rain today to try and harvest everything that is left in the fields because Tuesday night temperatures will drop down into the low teens and even the hardiest of crops will be damaged. Last week we cut all the cauliflower that was ready or it would have been ruined. It is quite small, but as the popular expression goes – “it is what it is”. There is some Romanesco and some of a light green variety.

From my perspective and from the feedback I have received it was a spectacular season. In spite of a late arriving spring and a dry summer, the weather was relatively copacetic. The cool weather in August was a blessing and did not seem to affect the heat loving crops. We had abundant peppers and tomatoes and the most delicious melons I have ever grown (or eaten for that matter). There were a few notable disappointments, such as losing the basil crop, a poor garlic harvest and now having thousands of cauliflower and broccoli plant not head up in time. I try not to let it get me down too much; this is the nature of farming. Occasionally people ask me if I like to gamble and my response is always, no I’m a farmer and that’s enough gambling for me! We plant our seeds and we take our chances.

Now is a time to give thanks and not to dwell on the failures. There is much to be thankful for- I have the good fortune to live on a beautiful farm and to know I will be here for the rest of my days. I am grateful to my loyal market customers and to my CSA members without whom none of what I do would be possible. I am especially grateful to the site hosts and core group members who work so hard to administer the program with very little compensation. What they do takes a huge burden off me and allows me to stay focused on the farming. I hope you will take the time to express your gratitude for those who volunteer their time for your group. Lastly I am thankful to have a fantastic group of workers who have toiled through long days and all manner of extreme weather to bring the crops to harvest. They are always cheerful and not one has taken a sick day through the entire season.

Finally, I have been asked by Janit London of the Purple Dragon Coop to let you all know that she offers year round bi- weekly organic produce deliveries, much of which is locally sourced. If any of you are interested in receiving produce through her program during the off season, she can be contacted at 973-429-0391 or

The share will be: pie pumpkins, rutabaga, cauliflower, potatoes, lettuce, red onion, choice of spinach or tatsoi, parsnips, choice of arugula or broccoli raab, kale and baby bok choy. Enjoy!

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe and healthy winter.

Farmer John