Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 5, 2017

Hi Folks! The moment you have been waiting for has arrived, when the investment you made in local agriculture begins to pay dividends! Green dividends that is, or perhaps more appropriately “greens” dividends, especially for this week as we will be relying heavily on these for the first share. We have the most beautiful spinach crop I have ever seen. I guess the cool damp weather agrees with it. Next, we have arugula, not quite as beautiful, but very tasty. Red leaf lettuce will be on the menu- that’s still a green, right?

We also have an abundance of herbs, so we will offer a choice of 2 bunches from among dill, cilantro, garlic chives, oregano and mint. All of these except the cilantro can be easily dried for future use, if you have more than you can use immediately. We have radishes almost ready but they may need to wait until next week to size up. We will likely send the Hakurei salad turnips this week and hold off on the radishes for the second share. Remember that these have very nice tops that can be braised or cut into thin ribbons and put in salad. If you end up with radishes this week you will get the salad turnips next week.

I was hoping to have peas for the first share, but they are still filling out their pods, so will have to wait for next week. The pea patch looks great and the plants are flowering heavily. Once they get started there will be plenty o’ peas for the next month or so. You know what they say- “give peas a chance”.

It’s a small share for this week but it will increase steadily week by week. Beginning very soon there will be zucchini and garlic scapes. A cool wet spring delayed planting until nearly Mid-April. I and my crew have been working hard getting the planting done and with a little cooperation from the weather we will make it another great season of produce for you. Thank you for your support and for putting your faith in us!

The share for this week will be: Arugula, spinach, choice of herbs (2), radishes or salad turnips and lettuce.

Enjoy! Farmer John