Hello Everyone! So, a couple of weeks ago I was at a training with a bunch of my fellow farmers. Some of them were discussing the wet season we are having and one said “yeah, but farmers never complain,” and everyone laughed. It’s true though, we only complain when it rains too much or when it doesn’t rain enough; when it’s too hot or too cold! I’m sure that some of you are tired of my griping about the rain, but who else will listen, if not my members who are impacted by the weather in terms of what they receive in their shares?
No matter what challenges the weather brings, we roll with it and do our best to maintain the quality of the crops (and also try to maintain our sense of humor!). The bottom line is that this year is not going to be good tomato year. We have done our best, but most of the crop is succumbing to blight. We will continue to have tomatoes for a few more weeks but they will not be as abundant and may not be as flavorful as they have been during many previous seasons. Enjoy them while they last!
On a happier note — melon season has begun! A few late week groups got their first taste last week, but now there are enough for all. We have galia, canary, honey dew, Korean, and cantaloupe, as well as watermelons. We hope to provide you with a variety over the next month or so.
The share for this week will be: Peppers, eggplant, Yukon gold potatoes, tatsoi, beans, summer squash, slicing tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green cabbage, melons, and garlic. Premium shares will get lettuce, leeks, beets, and choice of parsley or summer savory.
The fruit share for this week will be Shiro (yellow) plums and peaches.
Enjoy! Farmer John