Hi Everyone! As we head into the fall we will be transitioning back into cool weather crops, but for now we are still abundant with summer veggies. Next week we will begin to have broccoli again and we will start to ship some of the winter squash in the shares. We have a nice crop of fall carrots coming along, but we will give them one more week to size up. We have salad turnips for everyone this week. They are great either raw or cooked and have beautiful greens.
The potatoes for this week are a variety called Adirondack blue and have a blue flesh. I just read an article about their potential to prevent colon cancer. The skin is rather scabby (this variety is more prone to that problem) so you may want to peel them. They also do not keep as well as other varieties, so enjoy them soon. Also, if you have a bagged share and receive them in a plastic bag, you should transfer them into a paper bag or an open container. Potatoes should always be stored in a cool, dry, dark place. Never leave them exposed to light, even indoor lighting, because they begin to turn green, producing a compound called solanine, which can cause chronic toxicity.
The share for this week will be: Beans, colored peppers, eggplant, potatoes, summer squash, choice of arugula or tatsoi (mostly arugula), red onions, choice of cilantro or parsley, lettuce, and salad turnips. Premium shares will include radishes, chard and a choice of escarole or endive.
The fruit share for this week will be: Red Bartlett pears and Fuji apples.
Enjoy! Farmer John