Farm News – September 4, 2017

Hi Folks, Happy Labor Day! I hope you enjoyed it however you spent it! Of course, there’s no day off for us here on the farm — the show must go on! My workers don’t mind — they are here to work and earn money to help their families. And I get my vacation time in the winter. Speaking of winter… it feels like it will be here soon! We have had a few very chilly nights up here in North Jersey. The long range forecast doesn’t call for frost until sometime in Mid-October; I hope that will be the case. The fall crops are loving it, and the warm weather crops are hanging in there (excepting the melons and tomatoes, which were done in by the rain).
A few groups got some sweet corn last week; most of the rest should have some this week. We are still working on getting a watermelon to everyone — that should happen this week or next. We have beautiful beans and beets with greens for you this week. If you haven’t before, try using the tops this week — they are good quality and really nutritious. We have lots of nice cilantro and a small amount of dill for those who can’t abide the former. Summer squash is on hiatus for now but we have another planting which should start coming in soon (now that we have fenced it off from the damn deer).
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, beets, peppers, eggplant, gold potatoes, beans, choice of chard or kale, eggplant, sweet corn, red onions, choice of dill or cilantro, and possibly watermelon. Premium shares will include scallions, cherry tomatoes, and endive (frisée).
The fruit share for this week will be: hardy kiwi berries and peaches.
Enjoy! Farmer John