Farm News – October 16, 2017

Hi Everyone! Today, in addition to harvesting for the Tuesday deliveries, we spent preparing for another cold night. This will be our first hard frost and will likely finish off most of the tender crops such as the peppers, eggplant, beans, and summer squash. We have covered as much as we were able, to try to keep them alive for a few more weeks. This will be a single cold night after which it will warm up again for a week or so. The sweet potato vines will certainly be killed and we can begin harvesting them in earnest. They will be featured in most, if not all, of the shares remaining in the season.
The spinach crop is now large enough to cut and highly tolerant to cold, so it too will be abundant through the final weeks of the season. Cauliflower is heading up and we will be including them in the shares over the next few weeks. We also have lots of beautiful carrots for you to finish out the season!
As I have been hinting the season is winding down – just 4 weeks left after this week. I have sent out the information on the end of season stock up share. This is an opportunity to continue eating quality local produce well into the winter and to support your favorite farmer (I hope lol).
Please RSVP if you plan to attend the farm event this weekend, so I can have an idea of what to expect. I especially need to know if there is interest in a campfire on Saturday night, as this requires more planning.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, peppers, gold potatoes, red onions, choice of arugula or broccoli raab, broccoli or cauliflower, rainbow carrots, acorn squash, spinach. Premium shares will receive bok choy and choice of an herb.
The fruit share for this week will be: Macoun apples and Asian pears.
Enjoy! Farmer John