Farm News – November 20, 2017 (Stock up)

Hi Folks, thank you again for your support this season. I am very thankful for the tremendous participation in the stock up share program and to those who purchased shares for donation. I have been very worried that I would finish out the season in debt but, thanks to your help, I will be able to pay off my debts and hopefully have money to pay the mortgage through January.
Unfortunately, the bitter cold we had last weekend destroyed much of what was still in the field, and we were not able to include as much of the fresh greens as we normally would. I never would have guessed that the Brussels sprouts would be damaged – we have often cut them until January; but this year they were destroyed by the extreme cold. As was the kale and broccoli and cauliflower…
The stock up share includes:
In the box: an assortment of winter squash, an assortment of potatoes including fingerlings and all blues, onions, garlic and shallots, and an assortment of sweet potatoes. In the bag: Napa and green cabbage, lettuce, spinach, fennel, radicchio, carrots, beets, parsnips, daikon, turnips, and yacon.
Some of you have already received yacon (pronounced jacone) in a previous share but since it is unusual I wanted to brief you on it again. It is a member of the Sunflower family that is native to South America. It is sweet and juicy and has a light orange color and a slight carroty flavor. It best eaten raw, diced or shredded in salads, or perhaps added at the end of a stir fry for a water chestnut like crunch. It begins to oxidize and turn black rather quickly after it is peeled or cut so keep it immersed in water until you are ready to serve it. If you received your share on Monday it is in a bag with the beets. Those who will receive on Tuesday or Wednesday will find it in a separate bag, but in the large bag – not the box – so you will not confuse it with a sweet potato. It will keep for several weeks in the fridge.
All of the items in the bag should be kept in the fridge if you have enough room. The items in the box should be kept in a cool, dry place where they will not freeze. The squash will keep for months under good conditions. Wrapping them individually in newspaper will help to protect them from fluctuating temperatures and the condensation this creates.
Thanks again! Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, and Happy Eating! Farmer John