Farm News – August 27, 2018

Hey Everyone! So, it hasn’t rained in 5 days now, and it looks as though we may make it a full week! Thursday seems to be our next chance for the wet stuff. The farm has mostly dried out and we have been busy preparing ground for planting (albeit the same ground we prepped a month ago before monsoon season began!) I planted turnips, radishes, and rutabaga today and will plant spinach and arugula tomorrow. We are transplanting broccoli and cabbage and trying to reclaim some crops that were overtaken by the weeds during the wet spell. The crazy weather has taken a serious toll on the tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash (both summer and winter types). All we can do is keep moving ahead and hope for the best.
The share for this week will be: tomatoes, beets, peppers, lettuce, potatoes, sweet corn, red onions, beans, arugula and choice of an herb (basil, parsley or summer savory). Melons for those who did not get them last week.
The fruit share for this week will be: Peaches and nectarines.
Enjoy! Farmer John