Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 12, 2018

Hi Folks! So, we have arrived at the end of another CSA season. While every season has its particular challenges, primarily weather related, this has been one for the books. While I’m not generally in favor of book burning I might be willing to make an exception in this case. Usually a particular type of weather is bad for some crops and beneficial for others. If there was any doubt, we can now state unequivocally that buckets of rain and days on end with no sunshine is not conducive to growing any crop. And now for the final dirty deed of the growing season we are hit with frigid temperatures (21 degrees) and some sleet and snow later this week. I’ve kept so busy complaining about the bad weather I haven’t even had a chance to fill you in about any of the other challenges we face, such as trying to keep the trucks, tractors, and other equipment functioning. This is something that is currently pertinent as the delivery truck is out of commission and the backup is barely road worthy!

Through the difficult days of this season I have received many kind words of condolence and support. I have been admonished that I should not apologize for effects of things I cannot control such as the weather (e.g. Mother Nature). It’s just that I don’t like to disappoint, and I would much prefer to provide you with veggies than excuses. While I am gratified by the support, I am also aware that there is some disgruntlement. While veteran members may realize that this is an atypical year and not be discouraged, new members may not return next season. The best reason I can give you for sticking with the farm and the CSA program is an analogy offered to me by one of my long-time core group members. The CSA is like the stock market — it has ups and downs which even out, both through the season and over many years. The only way to reap the benefits is to stay invested for the long term.

The shares have been rather small these last few weeks. We have tried to make the final share a little more bountiful. It is still not nearly what I would have liked, but nothing has grown right this fall. There are 4,000 Brussels sprouts in the field that have failed to produce sprouts, and nearly 5,000 cauliflowers that refuse to make heads. The list goes on… We have done our best for you, and I hope you will be able to continue to support the farm.

The share for this week will be: Baby carrots, lettuce (small heads), blue potatoes, carnival squash, spinach, sweet potatoes, scallions, bok choy, choice of turnips (salad, red, or purple top), broccoli or cauliflower, and choice of dill or cilantro. Premium members will receive choice of collards or kale.

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving,
Farmer John