Hello Folks, I guess you probably noticed that it was a rainy Sunday! We received nearly 2 inches here on the farm and we are back to the muddy conditions to which we have grown accustomed. We are looking at some pretty cold nights as we head into the weekend, but then it will be November so it’s to be expected. The weather is the most critical factor in farming and of course it is completely beyond our control. After 25 years in this business I am still waiting for that perfect weather year! All we can do is make the best of what we are given. As the climate changes it’s certain we will face more challenges, but people need to eat, and so we will continue to adapt.
We are still waiting on the next planting of broccoli to head up. We are bringing in some cauliflower but not enough for all for this week. We will send cauliflower over the next couple of weeks as it heads up.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, salad turnips, choice of arugula or broccoli raab, garlic, spinach, peppers, sweet potatoes, daikon, sweet dumpling squash, and choice of an herb (cilantro or dill). Premium members will have a choice of kale or chard, and a second bunch of spinach.
Enjoy! Farmer John