Farm News – June 26, 2023

Hi Folks! So, now after a dry spring, it’s looking like it’s going to rain every day for the rest of the summer! Don’t get me wrong – we still need some precipitation to replenish the soil moisture and the first few storm brought us only about an inch and a quarter, which only wet the top 4 inches of the soil. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing though, and these types of storms often come with damaging winds and hail (a four-letter word here on the farm). The rain gauge is marking 2” currently – today’s total thus far, from a storm that began 3 hours ago and is predicted to continue for three more. It’s going to be a muddy mess out in the fields as we try to harvest this week!
We have both kohlrabi and Napa cabbage sizing up, but some of each is still a bit small, so some groups will receive the kohlrabi this week and some the Napa. Broccoli will be starting up soon and we will use kale as a stand-in until everyone has received their broccoli. Cucumbers are beginning to abound and will be in the shares over the next several weeks.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, spinach, arugula, radishes, garlic scapes, summer squash, kohlrabi or Napa cabbage, peas (more sugar snap and snow peas now), and parsley. Premium shares will also include escarole and a second herb.
The flowers will be Exophilia this week, a unique variety that my workers brought seeds for from Guatemala. No fruit this week.
Enjoy! Farmer John