Farm News – July 4, 2023

Hi all, Happy Independence Day! I hope you have enjoyed the extra-long weekend. We continue to be inundated with heavy rains and apparently at least one overnight hailstorm, judging by the ripped spinach and chard leaves. New Jersey averages about 45 “of precipitation per year, which comes out to a little less than an inch per week, which would be perfect. Six weeks of drought followed by 7” of rain in two weeks is less than ideal. We are struggling to keep up with the weeds and I am falling behind on my planting schedule, but at least we are not constantly moving the sprinklers around!
Despite it all we have a very nice share for you this week and it should continue to get better with each passing week. Broccoli is heading up prolifically now, and we should have enough for all. If not, we will substitute kale for some, and your broccoli will arrive next time around.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, peas (mostly sugar snap), beets, summer squash, cucumbers, kohlrabi, choice of spinach or Swiss chard, scallions, and choice of an herb (parsley, mint, or thyme). Premium shares will also include escarole. There will be some English peas as an “extra”.
The fruit share for this week will be black plums and NJ blueberries. The mushrooms will be Oysters, Maitake, and Lion’s mane. No flowers this week.
Enjoy! Farmer John