Monthly Archive: October 2023

Pasta with Escarole, Beans, and Sausage

Pasta with Escarole, Beans, and Sausage

Escarole and beans with sausage is a typical dish in Italian cuisine.  Here’s a recipe found on that is quick to make, and a real crowd-pleaser!  You can substitute different kinds of greens for escarole, or other kinds of sausage, and it will be delicious.  Serves 6.


Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 2, 2023

Hello Folks! We are finally getting a break from the rain this week, at least until the weekend. With the sunshine and some warmth, the fields will dry out enough for me to plant a few more seeds, and we get back to digging the potato crop. We were able to get a few last ears of sweet corn for the end of the week groups, and we will have some for those who did not receive them last time. (more…)

Bok Choy

Bok Choy

Bok Choy is technically a Chinese cabbage. But until you cook with bok choy, you cannot appreciate how special it is. It has a mellow taste compared to some of the other asian greens such as tatsoi. (more…)

Daikon Radish

Daikon Radish

Daikon, or white radish, is traditional to Asian cooking. It is a long white radish, and given its shape and color, has been called an “icicle radish”. It is extremely versatile in cooking. You can use it anywhere you would normally use a regular radish, and in some ways that are unique. (more…)

Vegetable Stir Fry

Vegetable Stir Fry

If you’re ever unsure of what to do with your veggies, stir fries are a great way to combine just about anything into a delicious and fast meal.  Here’s a simple recipe using many Asian greens.  All measurements are approximate, and feel free to substitute! (more…)