Hello Folks! The first day of summer is less than a week away but the first major heat wave of the season just could not wait. The spring weather treated us well and I have been saying “so far, so good” because I knew that our luck might not last. This kind of heat and humidity is hard on my crew and I, and it is also rough on the crops. It is especially hard on the greens which have been growing so beautifully until now. We received less than a quarter inch of rain last week, so the ground is drying out, and we are moving sprinklers around to keep the soil moist. Hopefully, the heat will bring some thunderstorms later in the week.
We have a nice share for you this week, which will include both zukes and cukes! We also have the wonderful Hakurei salad turnips with their beautiful greens. These are meant to be eaten raw- sliced or grated into a salad, but it’s not against the law to cook them. They can be steamed or grilled, and the greens are nice, chopped into a salad or sautéed. The brassica vegetable of the week is kohlrabi. They are sweet and juicy and can be grated to make a slaw (kohl slaw). The peas will be sugar snap or snow this time around. Give peas a chance!
The share will be: Salad turnips, summer squash, peas, scallions, choice of arugula or tatsoi, kohlrabi, lettuce, cucumbers, basil, and kale. Premium shares will also include a choice of escarole or endive and a second herb (mostly marjoram).
Enjoy! Farmer John