Farm News – July 15, 2024

Hi Everyone, it is still too damn hot. We have been getting some rain, but not as much as we need. We may receive some precipitation on Wednesday, after which the scorching temperatures will moderate. The beans have begun to mature, and the tomatoes are starting to ripen, although the latter are in fairly small quantities. There may be a few in the shares at the end of the week, but more likely for next week.
The share will be: Summer squash, cukes, lettuce, red onions, Swiss chard, Savoy cabbage, eggplant, string beans, cauliflower, Banana fingerling potatoes, rainbow carrots, and choice of an herb. The premium shares will also include bok choy and scallions.
No fruit share for this week, as we wait for more local fruit to come in. There will be a flower share.
With great sadness I must inform you of the passing of Karin Johnson, the site host of our Cedar Grove pickup location. Karin has been a devoted supporter of Circle Brook Farm and a personal friend for more than twenty years. Her warmth, enthusiasm and positivity touched all who knew her. She will be dearly missed. To honor her memory and her beliefs, the Bloomfield-Montclair CSA has set up a memorial fund accepting donations to purchase produce from Circle Brook Farm and Tree-licious Orchards to be donated to the Father English Food Pantry in Paterson. For more information about this and about Karin, please visit and Karin Johnson Obituary – Cedar Grove, NJ.
Farmer John