Farm News – July 22, 2024

Hi All! We finally received some substantial precipitation last week. In total nearly two inches of the wet stuff fell – a torrential downpour in the afternoon and then more heavy rain overnight. More than we would have liked of course, but we are accustomed to the “feast or famine” nature of the weather these days.
I was able to get a third planting of beans and beets in ahead of the deluge, and today the fields had dried out enough to sow the last two varieties of sweet corn. We expected to have corn in the shares by now, however the first planting in June did not germinate well – apparently the soil was still too cold, and it had to be abandoned. The subsequent seeding came up well and should be ready to pick in two weeks.
We are joined this week by another member of the Solanaceae family, the one you have all been waiting for – tomatoes! They are starting to ripen profusely now and will be more abundant over the coming weeks.
The share will be: squash, beets, eggplant, tomatoes, cukes, red-skin potatoes, garlic, beans (wax and haricot vert), Swiss chard, and choice of an herb. There will be tomatillos and garlic scapes as “extras”. Premium shares will also include broccoli.
The fruit share will be: peaches and cherries.
Bon Appetit! Farmer John