Farm News – August 5, 2024

Hello Folks! So, we have quickly gone from not enough rain to way too much. We received nearly two inches in the past 4 days, and the worst part is that it has come with powerful storms and damaging winds. One of our greenhouses was severely damaged and two exceptionally large and many smaller trees have fallen on our fences. Additionally, the trellising for our tomatoes and cucumbers has been damaged, as has the netting we suspended over the watermelons to keep the crows from destroying the crop. The saturated ground makes it impossible to seed fall crops and difficult to dig the potato crop. But we do what we must- we have already partially repaired the greenhouse and are working on clearing the trees and mending the fences.
We are in between plantings of green beans, so we will have only a small amount in the premium shares; they will be abundant again by next week. The sweet corn is still not quite ready, perhaps by the end of the week we can pick some. Melons are beginning to ripen more profusely now- they will be in the shares as availability allows. The ground cherries have begun to fall off the vines, as they do when they are ripe. These sweet cousins of the tomatillo are yet another member of the solanaceous family which I have been writing so much about. They can be added to salads, cooked into a sauce, or just eaten out of hand (after slipping them out of their paper husk, lol).
The share will be: squash, cukes, red cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beets, kale, white onions, fingerling potatoes and choice of an herb. Some groups will receive ground cherries, and/or melons or corn. Premium shares will also include scallions and beans.
The fruit share will be: peaches and a pint of blueberries.
Enjoy! Farmer John