Hello Everyone! So, the sun is slowly setting on the solanaceous crops. Almost all the field tomatoes have succumbed to disease. The eggplant and peppers have fruit set and are still flowering, but the fruit is growing and maturing very slowly. We will send one more round of eggplant over the next two weeks, with peppers for those groups for whom there is not enough eggplant.
Fortunately, the beans are still abounding, and the greens are gaining ground. There will be a choice of arugula or tatsoi and lettuce this week. The Hakurei salad turnips make their return with their beautiful and mild flavored greens (a great last-minute addition to a chicken or vegetable soup). The final planting of summer squash is beginning to produce fruits, but there will not be enough for everyone for another week or two. For this round we will send either zucchini or delicata squash and then switch it up in the following share.
The share will be: Beans, salad turnips, leeks, red-skin potatoes, choice of tatsoi or arugula, lettuce, zucchini or delicata squash, green cabbage, eggplant or peppers, and choice of an herb. Premium shares will also include, scallions and endive(frissee) and goldenberries (for those who have not already received them).
There will not be flowers for this week. We are also pausing the fruit shares as we wait for more varieties of apples and pears to ripen.
Enjoy! Farmer John