Farm News – November 11, 2024

Hello All! We received two-tenths of an inch of rain on Sunday night. It is not nearly what we needed, but still a help to the rye cover crop we have been planting. We are preparing for two very cold nights this week- mid-twenties for Tuesday and Wednesday. We are harvesting what we can and double covering as much as possible. This degree of cold can damage even the hardier crops such as broccoli and kale. We are doing as much as we can to preserve crops for the final weeks of the season. We are very heavy on the brassicas this week – with cauliflower and broccoli for all and Brussel’s sprouts as well, for most groups.
The share will be: Swiss chard, choice of arugula or broccoli raab, cilantro, leeks, salad turnips, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel’s sprouts, sweet dumpling squash and fingerling potatoes. Premium shares will also include lettuce and choice from an assortment of heirloom and unusual squash- all great for pies, breads or soups.
The fruit share will be: Pink Lady apples and Red D’Anjou pears.
Enjoy! Farmer John