Farm News – November 4, 2024

Hey Folks, It’s November! Can you believe it? Certainly not by the balmy temperatures, perhaps by the fact that it is dark at 6 PM. Still no rain and not much in sight. Dustbowl days continue… Nevertheless, we have a fabulous share for you this week. This may sound a bit immodest, but I think that you will agree. We are working hard for you!
The share will be: spinach, choice of arugula or tatsoi, baby bok choi, lettuce, garlic, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, Honeynut squash, and choice of an herb (cilantro or dill). Premium shares will also include radishes and sunchokes (aka Jerusalem artichokes).
No fruit this week, the final fruit share will be next week.
Enjoy! Farmer John