Westfield Area CSA Blog

Warm Tatsoi Salad

Warm Tatsoi Salad

This recipe is a twist on warm spinach salad.  It works especially well with tatsoi, or experiment with any of the other tender greens we receive! It is quick and easy, saving you a step by not cooking the greens. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 18, 2023

Hello Folks! We had four rain-free days last week and by Sunday it had dried out enough for me to plant some seeds. It is coming to the end of the season for planting – even for crops that tolerate the cold, they just grow too slowly. This is especially true of spinach – it likes cool weather, but it grows much better in the spring as the days are getting longer. This is why I planted a quarter of an acre of spinach in late August. It germinated nicely, but it was almost all killed by the wet soil conditions. If this last planting fares better, it will be ready in November! I will continue to plant radishes, arugula and other mustard greens for another two weeks. (more…)

Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is an oblong yellow colored winter squash that is named for the spaghetti like nature of its flesh.  When raw, the flesh is hard and generally orange or yellow in color.  When cooked, it comes apart in ribbons, giving it the appearance of spaghetti. (more…)

Easy Fingerling Potatoes

Easy Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling potatoes are quick and easy to prepare on the stove-top.  Because of their size, they cook quickly, and don’t need to be peeled.  Try any of these variations! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 11, 2023

Hi Everyone! I just checked the rain gauge and today’s deluge brought us to nearly 5 inches for the week! Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy complaining, but seriously all this water is hurting the crops. I’d like to cry, but the ground can’t soak up any more water! (more…)