Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 30, 2021

Hi everyone, Rain, rain, rain! What can you say? It is what it is, and anyway how can we complain, when there are so many other parts of the country that are getting hurt much worse. The farm is a muddy mess, and we are seeing various crops being damaged or killed by the weather conditions, but we will get through it, and we will still have plenty of great produce for you and your family. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 23, 2021

Hello Everyone – I suppose that I don’t need to tell you that it’s been raining way too much! We are headed toward 4” for the week, but the farm is far enough inland that it is probably less than what most of you received. And of course, we were spared the drenching and high winds that pounded Long Island and New England. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 16, 2021

Hello Folks! So, we made it through the week of brutal heat and even got a little rain to keep things growing. As usual, just as you are about to despair about what to do with more eggplant – production has dropped. We will send a few as extras this week just for those of you who can’t get enough lol. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 9, 2021

Hi Folks! So, I guess I should know better by now than to trust the ten-day weather forecast, as we seem to be headed back up into the nineties this week. My main concern though, is lack of precipitation. We may have a shot at some rain from scattered thunderstorms on Wednesday, but those are hit or miss. It looks as though we will be spending a lot of time moving the irrigation around! So it goes! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 2, 2021

Hello Folks, It was another week of good weather for the farm – just enough rain, plenty of sunshine, and reasonable temperatures. If it keeps up like this, I might just decide to keep farming, lol! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 26, 2021

Hello Everyone!  Wow, I can’t believe it is the end of July already – summer is just flying by!  And the weather has been unusually reasonable for mid-summer in New Jersey.  The humidity and temperature will be climbing for a few days but should moderate by mid-week.  We are hoping for a little rain – emphasis on a little!  The storms that were predicted for yesterday and last night never materialized, but  we are okay without it, for now. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 19, 2021

Hi Folks! So the everyday rain seems to have abated and the temperatures moderated – at least for now. Hopefully we can get back on track with the planting schedule. It is time to plant lots of carrots for the fall crop and more spinach and beets, just to name a few things. So far we have been lucky – no damage from wind or hail, which has been around with these strong storms. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 12, 2021

Hello Folks! So, we are generally happy for some rain, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Everyday storms and rain showers are making life a bit difficult for us at present. It isn’t possible to prepare ground for planting, or seed when it is too wet. The damp weather is favorable to the fungi, to which many plants are susceptible, but especially the tomatoes and the cucurbits. We have finished bringing in the garlic and are almost done harvesting the shallot crop, but now there are onions that must be pulled, or they will begin to rot. Hopefully, the wet spell will end soon, and we can get back on schedule with planting. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 5, 2021

Hello Everyone, Happy Independence Day! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend despite the damp start. Here on the farm, there are no days off – there is just too much to be done. We were happy to receive some much-needed precipitation and grateful that it came mostly in the evenings and did not impact our markets or our field work. I had just finished planting the last of the winter squash as well as a third planting of beans, corn, and some cucumbers. We had also transplanted cabbage and Brussel’s sprouts just ahead of the storms, so the rain was a benefit to these crops as well as the multitude of established plantings that are not aided by drip irrigation. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 28, 2021

Hello Folks! So, we are in the second heat wave of the season – three more scorching days to endure before it breaks on Thursday. Fortunately, there is a fair amount of moisture in the soil, so our crops should not be affected too much. I can’t believe we are in the fourth week of deliveries already. I guess time flies when you’re working hard as well! (more…)