Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 8, 2018

Hello Everyone! So last week was forecast to be free of rain but they changed it at the last minute. I thought we might get a little light rain overnight, and it began to drizzle as I rushed to finish seeding some spinach. By the time I got back to the house and showered, it was raining harder than I think I have ever seen. We received over 3 inches in about 3 hours. The farm is a muddy mess again, and I’m still waiting to see where those spinach seeds ended up! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 1, 2018

Hello Everyone, Thanks to all who have expressed condolences and support. I know I have rather gloomy and down lately; it’s been a tough year. Farming can be a frustrating endeavor since the principal factor in success or failure – the weather – is totally beyond one’s control. I like to give you all loads of nice produce, not excuses, and I think we did okay for the first 2/3 of the season. Now we are feeling the pinch of the problems that all the rain that began in August has caused. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 24, 2018

Hi Everyone, So I regret to report that things have gone from bad to sad here on the farm. Pedro Perez Hernandez of Guatemala fathered and, along with his wife Juana raised 13 beautiful children, seven of whom work on my crew. Don Pedro passed away this past Saturday. Early Sunday morning I brought 3 of his children to the airport so that they could return to be with their family and help their mother through this difficult time. The practice what is called a novena, a nine-day period of prayer and mourning, so they will return in a little over a week. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 17, 2018

Hi Folks – I apologize that last week’s update was so short and somewhat gloomy. I’m afraid that this week will be rather curt as well. I don’t feel comfortable griping about the weather, even in my half joking way when our neighbors to the south have been dealt such a severe blow (no pun intended). This week’s share will be a bit light. I was unable to plant any seed for most of August and many crops have succumbed to disease caused by damp conditions or just aren’t growing right due to lack of sunshine. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 10, 2018

“And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who’ll stop the rain”- John Fogerty

Hi Folks, Well I’m starting to run out of song lyric quotes about rain and I’m also starting to lose my sense of humor. Seriously, this is getting ridiculous, and it’s doing the farm a lot of harm. The tomatoes are pretty much done as are the melons. My second planting of spinach came up nicely, but if it keeps raining it will wither and die. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 3, 2018

Hello Everyone! I hope you had a pleasant Labor Day weekend. Just another holiday we labor through here on the farm. We had 8 days with no rain (hurray!) and I was able to get a lot of planting done. I am seeding spinach, turnips, radishes, arugula, tatsoi, and other mustard greens. I even sowed some carrots, although it’s a bit late. We are into our final two plantings of sweet corn now so there will be a few more ears for you this week or next. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 27, 2018

Hey Everyone! So, it hasn’t rained in 5 days now, and it looks as though we may make it a full week! Thursday seems to be our next chance for the wet stuff. The farm has mostly dried out and we have been busy preparing ground for planting (albeit the same ground we prepped a month ago before monsoon season began!) I planted turnips, radishes, and rutabaga today and will plant spinach and arugula tomorrow. We are transplanting broccoli and cabbage and trying to reclaim some crops that were overtaken by the weeds during the wet spell. The crazy weather has taken a serious toll on the tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash (both summer and winter types). All we can do is keep moving ahead and hope for the best. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 20, 2018

Hey Folks! “The sky is crying, Can’t you see the tears roll down the street” – Elmore James

So, we just can’t seem to get two days in a row without the heavens opening up on us! Oh well, we just have to tough it out and do the best we can. The farm is a muddy mess with puddles and deep ruts in the roads. Hopefully we will dry out soon. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 13, 2018

Hi Everyone! One of my members with family in Seattle informed me that the Pacific Northwest is unusually hot and dry, and that they are plagued with forest fires just as is California. So, my stereotype of the region as a rainy place may no longer hold true. Northern Europe, Scandinavia, Ireland, and the British Isles too, are suffering with drought and excessive heat, and many farmers have lost their entire crop. Meanwhile here in the Northeast it’s the monsoon season! But there’s nothing odd going on with the climate folks! I guess this is the new normal- that there is no normal; we just have no idea from season to season what to expect. I hate to be all doom and gloom but perhaps I am merely mirroring the predominant gray skies! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – August 6, 2018

Hi Folks, Another week and another 6” of rain!  All I can say is if I wanted to live somewhere it rained all the time I would have moved to Seattle!  Hopefully we are coming to the end of this wacky weather pattern and the jet stream will move back up into Canada where it belongs.  The tomatoes are starting to show signs of decline but we will fight the blight and try to keep them alive.  We are set back on our planting and for a few crops it’s too late for this season (like that last planting of sweet corn I had planned).  We do have lots of corn planted and the first of it began to mature late last week – the sweet treat I alluded to in my last update.  We hope to have enough for everyone this week, but if you don’t receive any you will for sure next week. (more…)