Category: News

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 15, 2024

Hi Everyone, it is still too damn hot.  We have been getting some rain, but not as much as we need.  We may receive some precipitation on Wednesday, after which the scorching temperatures will moderate.  The beans have begun to mature, and the tomatoes are starting to ripen, although the latter are in fairly small quantities. There may be a few in the shares at the end of the week, but more likely for next week.

The share will be: Summer squash, cukes, lettuce, red onions, Swiss chard, Savoy cabbage, eggplant, string beans, cauliflower, Banana fingerling potatoes, rainbow carrots, and choice of an herb. The premium shares will also include bok choy and scallions. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 8, 2024

Hello everyone! First the weather – it’s too damn hot! The good news is that we had a nice rain last Friday night – almost an inch. Of course, it began as I was riding my seeding tractor up and down seedbeds planting carrots. I had three beds to finish, when the first round of storms chased me out of the field. It’s a trick I’ve developed over the years to bring on the showers, my personal rain dance! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 1, 2024

Hello everyone! We made it through the first heat wave and received about an inch and a half of rain since my last update. The precipitation came from two passing storms, the second of which dropped an inch in less than an hour. This is not ideal, because much of the water runs off and does not have a chance to soak in, but we take what we can get. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 24, 2024

Hi Folks! I guess I don’t have to tell you what a brutal week of weather we had. The temperatures will be more moderate this week, but we still have not had any rain. As often happens on the farm, some passing storms moved to the north and the south. Hopefully there will be some precipitation this week. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 17, 2024

Hello Folks! The first day of summer is less than a week away but the first major heat wave of the season just could not wait. The spring weather treated us well and I have been saying “so far, so good” because I knew that our luck might not last. This kind of heat and humidity is hard on my crew and I, and it is also rough on the crops. It is especially hard on the greens which have been growing so beautifully until now. We received less than a quarter inch of rain last week, so the ground is drying out, and we are moving sprinklers around to keep the soil moist. Hopefully, the heat will bring some thunderstorms later in the week. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 10, 2024

Hello Folks – So, here we go! We have arrived at the first week of CSA deliveries for the season. It will be a nice first share – the weather has been uncharacteristically cooperative! So far, so good. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – May 31, 2024

Hi Folks, Happy Spring!

Almost summer, I guess, but for now we have not had any of the blistering heat which that season is sure to bring. Things are going very well on the farm – the weather has been relatively cooperative thus far and all my workers have arrived on time. For the last several seasons poor weather has set us back with spring planting and we have needed to postpone the first delivery a couple of times. Because Thanksgiving is so late this year, we were able to plan the start of the season for the second week of June.  Ironically, we now have an abundance of greens – arugula, spinach, and lettuces ready for which we are scrambling to find buyers. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

2024 Registration

Happy winter everyone! It is time to register for the 2025 CSA season!   Know your farmer. Know your food.

Our season is 24 weeks long, June-November.

Click here to register online!


Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 22, 2023

Hi Everyone, I wanted to give you the rundown on what you will encounter in your stock up shares. If not, I will soon be receiving emails and texts with photos of strange, unknown vegetables. What is it, and what the heck do I do with it? I can help with what it is and how it should be stored. As for how to prepare it -that’s what Google is for, right? (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 13, 2023

Hello Everyone, We have reached the final week of the CSA season. I know that some will be sad not to receive their weekly bounty, while others may be relieved to be free of the pressure of putting it all to good use. My crew and I are relieved as well as proud to have been able to provide reasonably abundant shares despite the many challenges that the weather created. (more…)