Here is a deeply flavored salad that can be prepared entirely outdoors, keeping the heat out of the kitchen. This eggplant salad recipe comes from Melissa Clark of the New York Times. It is fairly simple, tastes delicious, and impresses guests. Yields about 1½ cups.
Gazpacho is simple and refreshing soup usually served cold. And it uses all of the vegetables that we typically get in our summer CSA shares. This Gazpacho recipe comes from the South Beach Diet, and can be found on Serves 2.
Chef Masaharu Morimoto’s book, The New Art of Japanese Cooking, offers a different twist on the Italian classic. Why not give it a try? The recipe serves 3-4.
This delicious recipe is from Serving up the Harvest, by Andrea Chesman, a cookbook that is chock-full of great seasonal recipes. It’s perfect for summer CSA shares that include abundant beans and tomatoes. Serves 4.
You can turn almost any of your extra CSA veggies into toppings on a homemade pizza. From the Cooking Close to Home cookbook, this simple, chunky, sauce yields about 3½ cups, enough for 3, 16-inch pizzas. It is also an excellent base for adding pasta sauce ingredients like ground meat, sausage, or other veggies later. You can also freeze it, in case you have more tomatoes than you know what to do with. If you have fresh herbs, the conversion is one teaspoon dry equals one Tablespoon fresh (and fresh will taste so much better!).