Stir fries are a simple and tasty way to put your CSA share vegetables to good use. This stir fry recipe uses tatsoi and peas, but you can substitute any other vegetable. Use your imagination!
If you’re ever unsure of what to do with your veggies, stir fries are a great way to combine just about anything into a delicious and fast meal. Here’s a simple recipe using many Asian greens. All measurements are approximate, and feel free to substitute!
This recipe is a twist on warm spinach salad. It works especially well with tatsoi, or experiment with any of the other tender greens we receive! It is quick and easy, saving you a step by not cooking the greens.
Here’s another recipe from “Simply Organic.” Although the recipe calls for tatsoi, any of the greens that we get in our shares would work well in this recipe. Serves 4.