• Featured Produce

    Pattypan Squash

    If you are new to the CSA, and looked in the summer squash bin last week, you may have avoided this beauty.  Pattypan squash taste quite similar to other summer squash. Their unique shape makes them prime candidates for stuffing. Simply place in boiling water for a few minutes to soften, scoop out inside, and stuff with your favorite stuffing recipe.

  • News

    Farm News – June 27, 2013

    Hello Everyone, The fields have finally dried out enough to be worked and now we are scrambling to get caught up on our planting schedule. We had about 1200 heirloom tomato plants that had been languishing in their flats that have now been set out. I need to plant more beets, carrots and cucumbers.

  • News

    Farm News – June 13, 2013

    Hi Folks, We have arrived at the week you’ve been waiting for – the first delivery of the season. Here come the veggies! We’ve been working hard for you and in spite of the meteorological challenges of the spring, have a very nice first share to bring you.

  • News

    Farm News – June 3, 2013

    Hi Folks, Well we started out too dry and too cold and now we’ve had too wet and too hot. So in just the first two months of the growing season we’ve covered all the bases. Someone asked me a few weeks back if I thought it would continue to be dry and I replied that I reckoned it would remain very dry until it began to rain too much (I didn’t actually say “reckoned” that’s just literary embellishment). I didn’t expect, nor wish to be proven correct so soon.