Farm News – October 24, 2013

Hi Folks, we had our heaviest frost to date on Sunday night. It’s too early to know how much damage was done. Most of what remains in the fields is hardy, but I was hoping to get another week out of the beans, peppers, and summer squash. Cold nights were predicted for later this week and we were planning to cover these crops to protect them, but last night’s frost was unexpected and it may now be too late. We had a nice steady rain for about ten minutes on Saturday night, so we remain on the dry side.
We have an overabundance of lettuce at present so there will be 2 heads in this week’s share. There are a lot of beautiful, yellow cauliflowers sizing up. Some groups will receive cauliflower and others will get broccoli. I expect everyone to get cauliflower twice during the remainder of the season and broccoli two more times as well. We should have Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi in a couple of more weeks.
We will have salad turnips and radishes in the root vegetable category for this week. The fall carrots are almost ready; we will have to get the sprinklers on them this week. We should have carrots in the shares several times through the end of the season. Parsnips and celery root will also be available a couple of more times.
Don’t forget about the farm visit this Sunday! 11am – 4pm at 141 Brighton Rd. Andover. Come out and see the farm and pick up a pumpkin. Bring a dish to share and break bread with your fellow CSA members. It will likely be a brisk fall day, but there’s no rain in the forecast at present.
The share for this week will be: Baking potatoes, lettuce, spinach, broccoli or cauliflower, sweet dumpling squash, choice of mustard (broccoli raab, mizuna, arugula or tatsoi), garlic, salad turnips, radishes, peppers, bok choy and choice of cilantro or parsley.
Enjoy! Farmer John