Farm News – July 31, 2014

Hi Folks, tomato season has begun! Yippee! Probably only a couple of fruits for this week but quantities will increase week by week. Melons have also begun to ripen so we will be shipping to some groups as availability allows. There are a lot of Korean melons, an oblong yellow type which looks like an overgrown cucumber. These are very sweet and have a crisp flesh, not as soft as other melons.
We also have some yellow fleshed watermelons. We will be sending our multicolored carrots again this week. We have a lot of these, and they tend to be a bit on the wild side (hey baby…), meaning they get woody if left in the ground too long. In general they are tougher that the orange carrots and are best cooked. We still have some radicchio left but not quite enough for everyone so we will offer it as a choice with dandelion greens. I know from market that these bitter greens have their fans, although for most they are just too bitter. I would never send them for all members, but if you enjoy them let one of your core group members know and we can send them as extra from time to time.
The weather has been copacetic. Such mild temperatures for July are a real blessing. We received .4 inches of rain Sunday night, which was much appreciated for the seeds I have been planting and the fall brassicas which we have been transplanting.
The share for this week will be: Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, string beans, choice of radicchio or dandelion greens, lettuce, cukes, summer squash, red onions, choice of kale or chard, rainbow carrots, choice of an herb and maybe melons.
Enjoy! Farmer John