Hi Folks, This week marks the midpoint of the season. It’s hard to belief we are half way through. I guess time flies when you’re working hard! I am very pleased with what we have been able to provide the members thus far and from the feedback I have received, you all are fairly happy as well. We got off to a late start and I have been behind on my planting schedule almost the entire season. I have been worried that we will reach a point when the shares are not so bountiful. That day may come but it won’t be this week! We are almost out of carrots and I was only recently able to plant more. The second planting of cukes and zukes is starting to wane and the third planting is just coming up. With the dry weather we have had this past month it has been challenging to get seeds to germinate, have transplants survive or even prepare more ground for planting. We received 1.4 inches of rain last week, still not enough, but we take what we can get!
The tomatoes are still coming in heavy, especially the heirlooms. Beans are also abundant, and you will likely get 1½ to 2 lbs. this week. Beans are easy to freeze – 1 minute in boiling water to blanch them, then cold water to stop the cooking process; toss them into zip lock bags and into the freezer. Voila! –beans for the late fall or winter months. We will probably be in rotation with the summer squash for the next few weeks. Eggplant is starting to produce better now. The kale is starting to come back, benefitting from the rain and the cool weather. We also have an unusual “green” for you this week; it is called Red Orach and is a warm weather spinach substitute. The stems are somewhat woody; use only the leaves and thinner stems. We have some radishes now which need to be harvested, but not enough for all groups. Some groups will receive carrots this week and radishes next week and vice versa. We are out of lettuce for now and probably will be for several weeks. We have some Thai basil which seems to have resistance to the powdery mildew plague that wiped out all the rest of our basil plantings. It will be included as a choice with parsley and a few other herbs this week.
As previously noted, beans are coming in heavy and we are having a hard time getting any other work done because my workers are spending so much time picking them. I am working on a fall event schedule with some volunteer days as well as farm visit opportunities. For now I am asking for bean picking volunteers for this Sunday 8/31 at 10 am. I will also extend an invitation to those who would like to visit the farm but have not had a chance, to come out this Sunday. I will give a tour at 1pm. Bring a picnic lunch and something to grill if you wish. Nearby Kittatinny Valley State Park offers beautiful hiking and biking trails, if you would like to expand your visit to the country. This is short notice so please RSVP to me @ kruegerjohn@earthlink.net, so I will know if anyone will be coming.
The share for this week will be: tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes, peppers, blue gold potatoes, scallions, beans and more beans, cucumbers, summer squash, Red Orach, radishes or carrots, kale, choice of cherry tomatoes or Goldenberries, garlic, melons or watermelons and choice of an herb.
Enjoy! Farmer John