Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 30, 2015

Hi Folks, Hot, hot, hot! – that’s all I have to say about the weather for this week. Good for the melons and the solaneceous crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant) but tough on the humans. We have been harvesting a few tomatoes this past week; they should start ripening more prolifically by next week. The ground cherries or goldenberries, as I now like to call them, have begun to fall. We may have enough to offer to a few groups as a choice with cherry tomatoes for this week and for others next week.

Eggplant is about to start coming in heavy but for now we are in a rotation which began last week. So those who did not receive it last week will get some this week or next. The peas are petering out but the beans are abounding; you will likely see a pound and a half this week. We have savoy cabbage ready, but will wait a week- I try not to ship cabbage 2 weeks in a row. We will be sending some Napa cabbage as an extra this week for those of you that enjoy it. We will also be starting to send tomatillos and hot peppers as extras.

So I made a mistake when I planted the beets this spring and planted a new variety called Red Devil which I had forgotten was meant for beet greens and does not make and edible root. So we have rows of beautiful deep red beet greens which we will offer as a choice with kale this week. There is tatsoi and Bok choi almost ready which fill the greens slot during the next 2 weeks. Zucchini and summer squash are declining now until the next planting starts to produce in a few weeks. We will have a smaller quantity this time around.

Thanks to those who came out on Sunday to help with the bean picking. Your next chance to lend a hand is this Sunday for the onion harvest.

The share for this week will be: Lettuce, summer squash, cucumbers, beans, garlic, choice of kale or beet greens, peppers, yellow potatoes, rainbow carrots and choice of an herb.


Farmer John