Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – November 5, 2015

Hi Everyone, we had about 2 inches of much needed rain this past Wednesday. Although heavy at times it came over an extended period and so was mostly able to be soaked up by the soil. This should be a big help to the spinach and brassica plants as well as to our last planting of carrots. Temperatures remain balmy and this too will enable what is left in the field to continue growing and reach a respectable size.

We have another nice share for you this week. We are sending more sweet potatoes — the white variety again. We also have parsnips and beautiful carrots. There will be more spinach and a choice between kale and kohlrabi (collards next week). The lettuce is not as beautiful as usual; it was a little burned by the freeze. For winter squash there will be a choice among 3 similar varieties — Jester, Carnival, and sweet dumpling. New this week will be radicchio. We have finished our rotation with broccoli and cauliflower and will now begin another. All groups should receive broccoli once and cauliflower once over the next 3 weeks. Brussels sprouts are coming soon!

The share for this week will be: Lettuce, choice of arugula or tatsoi, Napa (Chinese) cabbage, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, choice of kale or kohlrabi, scallions, spinach, choice of winter squash varieties, white sweet potatoes, and radicchio.

Enjoy!     Farmer John