Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 10, 2017

Hello Everyone!  So, it’s been a wet season thus far and it seems that this weather pattern will continue into the normally dry month of July.  We have received 5 inches of rain in the past 2 weeks, when we normally hope for an inch a week.  This is not bad for most of the crops, but it is a little worrisome for the tomatoes and the cucurbits (squash, melons, and cukes), which are susceptible to fungal diseases.  We are doing our best to keep them sprayed with protective organic remedies such as biologicals, oils, garlic, and kelp.  Let’s hope the rain eases up a bit soon!

Eggplant is beginning to come in, but in small quantities; some groups may receive some this week and others next week.  We have run out of kohlrabi, so if you did not get any and you really like it (that would be about 3 of you lol), we will try to make it up to you in the fall when we will have another crop.  We know who you are and (approximately) where you live!  Fortunately, the broccoli is about to abound, and a few of you will get cauliflower this week.  The rest of you will have to wait your turn.  We’re back to beets in the root category this week, and we have basil enough for all, including some Thai and lemon types.

The share for this week will be: lettuce, peas, broccoli, beets, kale, chard, red onions, summer squash, cucumbers, and basil. Possibly eggplant and possibly cauliflower.  Premium members will get a second lettuce and another herb.   The fruit share this week will be cherries and blueberries.

Enjoy!  Farmer John