Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 2, 2017

Hello Everyone!  So, you may have noticed I haven’t had much to say about the weather for the past few weeks; a deviation from the norm – since most of my updates begin with a weather report.  I jokingly refer to it as griping about the weather, but it’s really meant to help the members understand what we are up against, and in what ways the weather affects our production.  With the devastation caused by Harvey and then Irma and now Maria, it didn’t seem appropriate to utter a single word that might be construed as complaining.  Besides, the frequent rain had ceased, and after a cool beginning September, the weather has warmed up nicely. 

So, at this point it hasn’t rained (except for a bit of drizzle) for over 3 weeks, and the heat wave we had at the beginning of last week actually damaged some of the acorn squash, leaving white sunscald marks.  We have had to move the sprinklers around to get the last round of seeds I planted to sprout.

I always tell folks that out here in the highlands of Northwest NJ, we can have a frost as early as October 1st.  As I watch the long range forecast carefully, I was expecting our first frost this year around the 22nd or 23rd.  Imagine my surprise when today I spied the blackened leaves of the sweet potato vines.  On closer inspection, I saw that the basil too had been singed as well, and there was some damage to the beans and summer squash.  It was a very light frost but a frost nevertheless; and completely unpredicted and unexpected.  But it will gradually warm up again over the next week or so until the next big dip, and we may get some much-needed rain early next week.  So, I ain’t complainin’, I’m just sayin!  As farmers, we are accustomed to making the most of whatever Mother Nature gives us!

And so, we have another splendid share for you this week.  Broccoli has begun and will be in your share either this week or next, with kohlrabi filling in.  Carrots are back, and we have beautiful chard or kale.  We are giving you a break from eggplant this week, as I am aware that most of you have had your fill!  And we are starting the winter squash season with spaghetti.

The share for this week will be: Peppers (of color, of course), beans, arugula, lettuce, carrots, garlic, baking potatoes, broccoli or kohlrabi, spaghetti squash, and choice of chard or kale. Premium shares will include:  Radishes, choice of escarole or frisée, and choice of parsley or garlic chives. 

This week there is no fruit share, to allow more apple varieties to become available.

Enjoy!  Farmer John