Farm News – July 16, 2018

Hi Everyone! We received a bit of rain this past Sunday morning, about a half an inch. We need more and it seems we have a shot at some precipitation tomorrow. We have begun harvesting the garlic but we broke the under cutter blade that we use to loosen the ground for easier pulling. When the soil gets dry, it also gets very hard. We should have the parts to fix it in a few days, and hopefully with a good rain and softer ground, we can procced with the harvest.
As promised, eggplant and peppers are beginning. We should have enough for a pepper or two for everyone; the eggplant will likely be in a 2 week rotation. We are still trying to get some more peas out to everyone but hot and dry is not what pea plants like. The beans are beginning as well, so there will be peas for some and beans for others. Broccoli is also still in rotation, with red cabbage as the alternative. Cukes and zukes are abundant but greens are starting to get scarce. We also have some nice carrots for you!
The share for this week will be: Kale, carrots, lettuce, eggplant for some, peppers, broccoli or red cabbage, summer squash, cucumbers, either peas or beans and choice of an herb (dill, parsley or cilantro). Premium shares will include chard and choice of radicchio or dandelion greens.
The fruit share for this week will be: peaches and yellow plums.
Enjoy! Farmer John