Farm News – July 2, 2018

Hi Folks! As Cole Porter wrote and Ella Fitzgerald beautifully sang — It’s too darn hot! “I’d like to sup with my baby tonight, refill the cup with my baby tonight, but it’s too darn hot”. I guess the worst is over –- for now. The temps will gradually moderate as we go through the week and we have a couple of good shots at some rain. We did receive some of the wet stuff last Wednesday night, which was fortunate because the moist soil has helped the crops to bear the heat. The summer crops like the tomatoes, peppers, squash, and melons accept the heat with aplomb but it’s hard on the lettuces, peas, and the brassicas.
Many thanks to the hardy volunteers who braved this sweltering weather for nearly 3 hours on Sunday to help pick peas. The peas are coming in a bit heavier now so if you haven’t had any yet this should be your week! Spinach is on its way out (it hates the heat more than I do!) and is being replace by its more adaptable cousin, Swiss chard. Cucumbers are becoming more abundant so some of you may receive a few this week and others the next. We have some nice basil for you but unfortunately no tomatoes to go with it just yet. Peppers and eggplant will start soon.
The share for this week will be: lettuce, choice of arugula or tatsoi, either salad turnips or beets, summer squash, kale, either broccoli or Napa cabbage, choice of spinach or Swiss chard, basil, and peas/cukes for some. Premium shares will include a second head of lettuce, choice of radicchio or dandelion greens, and choice of an herb.
Enjoy! Farmer John