Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – June 29, 2020

Hello Folks, Since my last writing we received .3 inches of rain.  While this was welcome, it was not even close to what we need.  We typically look for 1” per week of precipitation, so 3/10 of an inch over three weeks along with significant heat, has left us very dry.  We are moving sprinklers around constantly, laying drip tape over newly planted seeds and generally trying to keep everything possible alive and growing.  We just do not have enough water to irrigate everything.

The cool weather crops such as spinach and lettuce react to these conditions by bolting- shooting up a seed stalk.  We have lost Napa cabbage, radicchio, spinach, and many lettuces.  The spinach is done now until the fall, and the peas are also on their way out.  The good news is that the summer crops are coming on strong.  We will have cucumbers this week for some groups (the rest in next round).  Eggplant and beans will be starting soon.

The share for this week will be:  Peas, lettuce, summer squash, one of the following greens – kale, arugula, broccoli raab, or tatsoi – garlic scapes, Swiss chard, beets, and parsley or summer savory.  Premium shares will also get a Napa cabbage.

Enjoy!  Farmer John