Hello Folks, So we still have not received any rain. The 90% chance of precipitation we had on Friday did not happen. The storms moved to the north of the farm, and we got only a brief dust storm. The storms that we thought we might get Monday afternoon also passed around the farm. We are working hard to keep everything growing and newly planted crops germinating. I have purchased more sprinklers, and we are reusing old drip tape to trickle water onto seed beds and crops on bars ground. We will be mulching certain crops with straw to retain the soil moisture.
Due to the drought, the peas have petered out prematurely, which is unfortunate but at least you will not have to bear my pea puns and pe-alliteration any longer. Some groups did not receive peas last week so they will this time around. Beans will begin soon. The broccoli has started heading up so we will begin a rotation over the coming weeks to get all groups a bunch, with kale in its stead until your turn comes around. Turnips will be the root vegetable again this week- mostly white salad turnips but we will be mixing in a few red skinned and purple top types. We will have carrots for you soon, but they are still a bit small and we will run out quickly if we dig them at this size.
It is time to harvest the garlic and we are still short-handed. I have been unable to find flights for the four workers from Nicaragua who are part of my normal crew. We will have volunteer opportunities for the next 2 Sundays, July 12th and 19th at 10 AM. Morning only as this is hard work, and it will be too hot in the afternoon. Bring gloves, sun protection, and plenty to drink.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, arugula, scallions, turnips, summer squash, cucumbers, broccoli or kale, Swiss chard, and parsley or summer savory. Premium member will also receive fennel.
The fruit share for this week will be: blueberries and cherries.
Enjoy! Farmer John