Farm News – August 10, 2020

Hello all, we received 5” of rain from tropical storm Isaias but no real damage from the wind. It was too much rain all at once, but we have sandy, well drained soils, and most of the precipitation soaked in. We had just finished rolling up the sidewalls on most of our high tunnel greenhouses and had to run around closing them all up again or risk damage to the structures. I hope that those of you who lost power have been restored by now and did not sustain too much other damage.
The melons are coming in heavy now – both watermelons and cantaloupes, honeydews, galia, and others. A few groups received some last week and may or may not get them again this round. It will just depend on availability. Sweet corn is beginning to mature, and we should have enough to begin distributing by late this week or more certainly by next week. Lettuce is back! We are beginning another rotation with the ground cherries – some groups will receive them and others cherry tomatoes.
The eggplant is on pause for the moment, but I’m sure that most of you are ready for a break. Beans are also on hiatus for this round except for those who did not receive theirs’s last week. We ended up donating hundreds of pounds because the quality was poor and the came up short at the end of the week. We have another planting in flower now, and the earlier plantings have perked up after the rain and are flowering again.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, rainbow carrots, summer squash, peppers, potatoes, garlic, watermelon or some other type of melon, tomatoes, basil, ground cherries or cherry tomatoes.
The fruit share for this week will be: nectarines and red plums.
Enjoy! Farmer John