Hello Folks, it seems that we may we over with the scorching heat for this season. Hopefully, the precipitation will be a little more regular going forward. We received about 0.3 inches on Sunday and have a chance for some more of the wet stuff this afternoon. We are in the process of transplanting the fall brassica crop and a little rain really helps them to take root.
I am also direct seeding a lot of fall greens, carrots, radishes, and turnips. Most of the spinach planted in early August died from too much rain and there is not enough remaining to merit keeping it weeded. I will have to abandon this planting. The next planting is just starting to sprout, and I will be planting more this week.
We finally have enough sweet corn to distribute. I have purchased netting to cover the crop, as the first 2 plantings were ravaged by red-winged blackbirds! Now if we can just keep the raccoons at bay… We are already having a problem with corn earworm and have begun spraying the silks with an organic approved biologic control. We will try to cull out any infested ears but it’s not easy when we are so busy and understaffed. If one sneaks past us, please excuse us, and cut the tip off. Organic corn is hard to find exactly for this reason – it has several hard to control pests. Most of the corn grown conventionally is from GMO seed. Monsanto (now Bayer) has engineered the plants to produce the same proteins produced by the bacteria which is our biologic control. Now it is so ubiquitous that the target pest, Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies), are developing resistance.
The share for this week will be: Sweet corn, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, ground cherries or cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, peppers, beans, beets, basil, and melon or watermelon. Premium shares will also receive kale.
The fruit share for this week will be: peaches and plums.
Enjoy! Farmer John