Farm News – July 5, 2021

Hello Everyone, Happy Independence Day! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend despite the damp start. Here on the farm, there are no days off – there is just too much to be done. We were happy to receive some much-needed precipitation and grateful that it came mostly in the evenings and did not impact our markets or our field work. I had just finished planting the last of the winter squash as well as a third planting of beans, corn, and some cucumbers. We had also transplanted cabbage and Brussel’s sprouts just ahead of the storms, so the rain was a benefit to these crops as well as the multitude of established plantings that are not aided by drip irrigation.
We were hoping to have another round of salad turnips for you this week, as we wait for the carrots to size up. Unfortunately, they have been extensively damaged by some sort of worm, which is a common occurrence in the summer months. We will try to harvest what we can and will include them as a choice with red turnips and radishes. The eggplant has started to become more abundant, and I expect it to be included in shares by the end of the week. Tuesday groups are still owed their third round of broccoli for this week, so we will catch up to them with the eggplant at the end of the season.
Sugar snap peas are still coming in heavy, even as the English peas have succumbed to the heat. We planted what was supposed to be a small headed cabbage variety, but the plants were apparently unaware of the seed catalog description and grew rather large heads. Be prepared to make some room in the fridge and/or make a big batch of cole slaw!
The share for this week will be: Kale, lettuce, peas (sugar snap or snow), summer squash, cucumbers, green cabbage, fresh garlic, turnips or radishes, eggplant, and parsley. Premium shares will also receive a choice of a second herb and choice of escarole, endive (frisée), or radicchio.
The fruit share for this week will be: blueberries and black plums
Enjoy! Farmer John