Farm News – July 11, 2022

Hello Everyone! As long-time members will attest, I am wont to whine about the weather. Thus far there has been little to complain about, but it has now been more than two weeks with no precipitation. It is becoming very dry, and with temperatures heading into the nineties, dry conditions make everything more challenging. We have been moving the sprinklers around the fields to aid newly seeded crops to germinate and to keep the broccoli and cauliflower crops moist at a critical time – as they begin to form heads.
We are transplanting more brassicas now for late summer and fall, and we must use a waterwheel transplanter that we typically only use for crops planted on plastic mulch. I still have several more plantings of sweet corn to make, and we will probably need to pass over the rows drizzling water on the seed to insure it comes up. This time of year, our best hope for the wet stuff is from “scattered” thunderstorms and often they seem to scatter to the north or the south (or both) and miss us. Last week I drove through torrential rain not five miles from the farm, only to arrive and find my fields dry as a bone. We have a 50% chance for some rain for tomorrow; fingers crossed!
Speaking of sweet corn – our first crop is coming in heavy now, so you will enjoy some in the share this week. It is delicious but beware that there may be some worms on the tips so have someone in your family who is the least squeamish husk it outside. The broccoli is still abundant, and cauliflower is heading up more prolifically as well. There will be broccoli for all, cauliflower for some, and green cabbage for others as we begin a rotation over the next week or two until everyone has received both. We also have some nice carrots for you this week, rounding out another spectacular share (pardon the immodesty).
The share for this week will be: Carrots, lettuce, kale, summer squash, cucumbers, sweet onions, eggplant, peas, broccoli, cauliflower or green cabbage, sweet corn, and choice of an herb. Premium shares will also include Swiss chard and a second herb choice.
The fruit share for this week will be: blueberries and black plums
Bon Appetit! Farmer John