Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – July 24, 2023

Hello Folks! There are no major meteorological complaints to be lodged for this past week – the excessive rainfall has abated, at least for now. There will be some scorching hot days this week, but nothing like what the southern and western US has seen in recent days. The fields have dried out enough to allow us to move ahead with our planting. I am direct seeding beans and herbs, and my crew have been busy planting more cucumbers and summer squash as well as thousands of brassica family plants for the fall harvest.

Fall is the best time for the brassicas, as they thrive in the cooler weather. There are many local farmers who will not even attempt to grow broccoli or cauliflower from spring plantings – it is just too risky. We have just completed sending broccoli three times and will be shipping cauliflower in the shares for the third time this week. This is nothing short of amazing, considering that I half-expected to lose these crops completely during the spring drought. It is gratifying to know that our herculean efforts to keep them alive paid off.

We are bringing in the onion crop currently – over the next three weeks. It will be helpful if we can begin drying down the tops in the field, without the constant threat of rain. The shallots were harvested somewhat franticly over the past ten days because of the rain. Some were brought inside with the tops still very wet, which means they will probably not store well. We will be sending some of these in the shares this week; use them up quickly. We have a tremendous crop and there will be more to come. We also have celery for you this week. Our celery tends to be a bit different from the California grown crop – it is a darker green and will have a stronger flavor.

The share for this week will be: Cauliflower, lettuce, kale, rainbow carrots, eggplant, celery, string beans, summer squash, choice of cherry tomatoes or ground cherries, shallots, and choice of an herb – parsley, summer savory, mint, or thyme. Premium shares will also include broccoli and wax beans. There are tomatillos as an “extra.”

There will be a flower share this week, but a pause on the fruit until next week.

Bon Appetit!  Farmer John