Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 11, 2023

Hi Everyone! I just checked the rain gauge and today’s deluge brought us to nearly 5 inches for the week! Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy complaining, but seriously all this water is hurting the crops. I’d like to cry, but the ground can’t soak up any more water!

Beans are back and salad turnips too. The corn is more abundant now, but so are the earworms – it will arrive with the tips cut off. One more round of melons or watermelons is on the menu and goldenberries for any group that has been left out thus far. Tomatoes are slowing down, but we hope to keep them coming for a few more weeks – either plum, slicers, or cherry tomatoes. We are starting to have broccoli heading up, so you will see some in the next few weeks, with Napa cabbage as the stand in until then.

The share for this week will be: summer squash, colored peppers, garlic, fingerling potatoes, sweet corn, salad turnips, tomatoes, beans, broccoli or Napa cabbage, melons, lettuce, and choice of dill or cilantro. Premium shares will include tatsoi or another type of mustard green, daikon, and a second herb.

The fruit share for this week will be Gala apples and peaches. The flower share will be sunflowers.

Enjoy! Farmer John