Hi Everyone! Oh, Ophelia! What more do I need to say? As Dylan wrote – “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”. We are doing the best we can for you, despite all the challenges raining down on us. We continue to slog through the mud to bring in the crops.
The latest victim of the incessant precipitation is the sweet corn. There are two more plantings out in the field that should have carried us into October. The rain has soaked its way into the husk and many of the ears are beginning to break down and ferment. We will send some ears as “extras” for this week, and that will probably be the end of the corn season.
The share for this week will be: Colored peppers, shishito peppers, butternut squash, beans, gold potatoes, leeks, radishes, green cabbage, choice of arugula or tatsoi, lettuce, tomatoes, choice of an herb, and cauliflower (for those who have not yet received any). Premium shares will also include kohlrabi and bok choi.
We have completed the flower shares and have four more fruit shares outstanding. We are waiting for more pears and different apple varieties to be ready – no fruit for this week.
Enjoy! Farmer John