Farm News – October 30, 2023

Hello folks, Happy Halloween! No time for trick or treating for us – we are busy covering crops to protect them from a series of cold nights this week. We have been picking a lot of peppers because they can be stored for a couple of weeks and covering the plants will probably not be sufficient protection. Soon we will have to abandon the more tender crops and concentrate on protecting the hardier ones, which can still sustain some damage if the temperatures drop below 28 degrees.
Unfortunately, the final planting of beans has been growing too slowly and will not make enough of a crop to be distributed. Most of the buttercup squash that was planted rotted in the field, what survived is a gray-skinned variety. We also have a newer variety called Autumn Frost, which is similar to butternut.
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, Buttercup (Kabocha) or Autumn Frost squash, sweet potatoes, shallots, beets, broccoli, cauliflower or savoy cabbage, salad turnips, choice of arugula, tatsoi or broccoli raab, Swiss chard, and choice of an herb (parsley, dill, cilantro). Premium shares will also include sunchokes and baby bok choi. There will be hot peppers as an extra.
Bon Appetit! Farmer John