Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 9, 2023

Hi Folks! We have broccoli and cauliflower heading up. We will be including cauliflower for those who have not yet received it this fall. We may begin distributing broccoli to some groups, otherwise it will be a choice of red cabbage or red Napa cabbage.

The last planting of beans is flowering but growing very slowly, which is normal with shorter days and cooler nights, but growth is impeded further by overcast skies. We hope to have a few more beans for you in the coming weeks. We will also try to send some cherry tomatoes to all groups over the next few weeks as well.

Much of the winter crop squash rotted in the field. What we have been able to harvest is now going bad in storage. We will be sending what we can each week until we run out. It is recommended that you cook it and consume it or freeze it promptly.

The share for this week will be: Lettuce, colored peppers, garlic, Banana fingerling potatoes, Swiss chard, salad turnips, acorn squash, choice of red cabbage or red Napa, bok choi, choice of cilantro or parsley. Premium shares will also include escarole and edamame soybeans.

There are 2 fruit shares remaining; we will resume when there are new apple and pear varieties available.

Enjoy! Farmer John