Farm News – July 29, 2024

Circle Brook Farm
Circle Brook Farm

Hi Everyone! We have not had much rain this past week, but at least the temperatures have been moderate. We have a few chances for precipitation during the week ahead, which would be appreciated. We add another member of the Solanums to the line up this week – peppers. We will be sending green ones for the next few weeks until they begin to ripen to red, yellow, and orange.

We expect to have sweet corn next week and melons very soon as well. At that point we will be in full summer mode! Lettuce and other greens will be scarce for the next few weeks, but there is plenty to replace these in the shares.

The share will be: Summer squash, cukes, beans, eggplant, peppers, kale, green cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, and choice of an herb. Premium shares will also include shallots and ground cherries.

The fruit share will be: Yellow Shiro plums and nectarines. No flowers this week.

Enjoy!  Farmer John

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