Farm News – November 18, 2024

Hello Folks, We have come to the end of another season. It has not been an easy one, but then they never are. We have done our best for you, through incredible heat and now a crazy drought. I am thankful for my fantastic crew, who have labored through it all with their perennial cheerfulness. And I am grateful for the support of you, the members. In spite of all the challenges, we have an excellent final share for you. We are tripling down on the root veggies and the brassicas and also have some nice greens for your eating pleasure. I wish you all Happy Holidays and a safe and healthy winter.
The share will be: Rainbow carrots, choice of arugula or tatsoi, rutabaga, choice of kale or chard, baby bok choi, broccoli, cauliflower, Napa cabbage, radishes, Japanese sweet potatoes, buttercup squash, red skin potatoes, shallots and choice of an herb (sage, cilantro or dill). There will also be some onions as an extra. Premium shares will also include broccoli raab and sunchokes.
Enjoy! Farmer John