Westfield Area CSA Blog

Bacon and Egg Coconut Flour Muffins

Bacon and Egg Coconut Flour Muffins

Found on thecoconutmama.com food blog, these bacon and egg coconut flour muffins are easy to make and are wonderful high protein breakfast option.  I make a few batches of these every month so my family has a healthy, protein rich, quick breakfast option on hand.  They freeze well too!

This recipe is very flexible.  You can omit the sour cream if you don’t have any on hand.  The sour cream makes these muffins a little less dense and more fluffy.  You can also swap sausage or steak in place of the bacon if you prefer. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 29, 2018

Hi Everyone, So the bizarre weather pattern continues — frequent rain and consistently gray skies with very little sunshine. And we continue to be frustrated that crops are growing so slowly. At least there’s no extreme cold forecast for the moment. We are waiting impatiently for the cauliflower to head up and the spinach to grow large enough to cut. It’s a small share this week, sorry. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 22, 2018

Hi Folks! So, it hasn’t been raining much lately and the sun has even been shining from time to time. The fields are beginning to dry out a bit, although we still have deep ruts in many of our farm lanes. The weather issue we have been dealing with lately is cold nights. We have had 3 light frosts so far but no hard freeze. We are covering some crops like the peppers to try and keep them coming a little longer. Between the cold and the shorter days, everything grows a lot slower. We are waiting for the cauliflower to head up and for the spinach to get big enough to cut. I mentioned parsnips in last week’s update but we will hold off on these until next week. For this week we have rainbow carrots for you. (more…)

Chocolate Chip Squash Bread

Chocolate Chip Squash Bread

From the Eva Bakes food blog, here’s a yummy spiced bread made with butternut squash.  You can substitute other similar winter squash for the butternut (e.g. pumpkin or buttercup), and since you’ll probably have more than 1 cup of squash purée, you’ll be able to make several loaves (they freeze well too).  Yields one 9″x5″ loaf. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 15, 2018

Hi Folks! So it’s another gloomy day here on the farm. What happened to the sun! We narrowly missed a frost on Sunday morning, but more cold air is moving in and we will certainly be hit by Wednesday or Thursday. This will mean the end of the eggplant and soon the end of the peppers. We are trying to cover as much as we can to protect it but it depends on how low it goes as to whether we succeed. Most of the crops remaining in the field are hardy and are not hurt by frosts or light freezes. Let’s just hope the mercury doesn’t dip too low anytime soon. They say the parsnips get sweeter after a frost so I guess we can begin to harvest them for next week. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 8, 2018

Hello Everyone! So last week was forecast to be free of rain but they changed it at the last minute. I thought we might get a little light rain overnight, and it began to drizzle as I rushed to finish seeding some spinach. By the time I got back to the house and showered, it was raining harder than I think I have ever seen. We received over 3 inches in about 3 hours. The farm is a muddy mess again, and I’m still waiting to see where those spinach seeds ended up! (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – October 1, 2018

Hello Everyone, Thanks to all who have expressed condolences and support. I know I have rather gloomy and down lately; it’s been a tough year. Farming can be a frustrating endeavor since the principal factor in success or failure – the weather – is totally beyond one’s control. I like to give you all loads of nice produce, not excuses, and I think we did okay for the first 2/3 of the season. Now we are feeling the pinch of the problems that all the rain that began in August has caused. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 24, 2018

Hi Everyone, So I regret to report that things have gone from bad to sad here on the farm. Pedro Perez Hernandez of Guatemala fathered and, along with his wife Juana raised 13 beautiful children, seven of whom work on my crew. Don Pedro passed away this past Saturday. Early Sunday morning I brought 3 of his children to the airport so that they could return to be with their family and help their mother through this difficult time. The practice what is called a novena, a nine-day period of prayer and mourning, so they will return in a little over a week. (more…)

Glazed Carrots Marsala

Glazed Carrots Marsala

For a real treat of a side dish, try Glazed Carrots Marsala.  I first read about this flavor combination in Elizabeth David’s Italian Food.  As she suggests, they’re delicious served with lamb.  If you don’t have Marsala, sweet sherry is a fine substitute. (more…)

Circle Brook Farm

Farm News – September 17, 2018

Hi Folks – I apologize that last week’s update was so short and somewhat gloomy. I’m afraid that this week will be rather curt as well. I don’t feel comfortable griping about the weather, even in my half joking way when our neighbors to the south have been dealt such a severe blow (no pun intended). This week’s share will be a bit light. I was unable to plant any seed for most of August and many crops have succumbed to disease caused by damp conditions or just aren’t growing right due to lack of sunshine. (more…)